Literature & Governance

Literature and Governance
Written by the great Tamil sage/poet Thiruvalluvar (circa 30 BC), is a work on conduct and statesmanship. The translation of Thirukkural quoted in this study is based on the publication by the Thirupannathaazh Kasi Math, 1960.

Arthashastra (circa 350 BC)
Is a work on ‘governance and administration of a state’ by Chanakya or Kautilya. The quotes from Arthashastra in this study have been sourced from “The Kautilya Arthashastra” (Part II – An English Translation with critical and explanatory notes) by R.P.Kangle (1972, reprint 1988), published by Motilal Banarasidas. The quotes are from Book 2 Chapter 9 – Inspection of (the work of) Officers, and they describe the accountability of various officials.
I have tried to extract some of the similar aspects in both which points out about governence

நாடொறும் நாடி முறைசெய்யா மன்னவன்

நாடொறும் நாடு கெடும்                        

The country of the king who does not daily examine into and punish (crimes), will daily fall into ruin.
Thirukkural - 553

They should carry out the works according to orders, without concerting together or quarrelling amongst themselves. Concerting together, they might swallow up (the fruits of) the undertakings, quarrelling, they might ruin (them). And they must not commence any work without informing the king, excepting measures against calamities.
And in cases of remissness on their part, he should fix a fine double the daily wages and (other) expenses. And he who, amongst them, carries out the work as ordered or better, should receive a (high) position and honour.  
Arthashastra - 2.9.5 to 2.9.9
பொருள்கருவி காலம் வினையிடனொ டைந்தும்
இருள்தீர எண்ணிச் செயல் 
Five things should be carefully considered in the doing of all action, namely, the resources in hand, the instrument, the proper time, the nature of the action and the proper place for its execution.
Thirukkural - 675
If he causes loss through ignorance and other causes, he should make him pay that, suitably multiplied.
Arthashastra 2.9.14

அஞ்சாமை ஈகை அறிவூக்கம் இந்நான்கும்

எஞ்சாமை வேந்தற் கியல்பு                    
Dauntlessness, liberty, wisdom, diligence – it is the virtue of a king not to fail in these four.
Thirukkural – 382
If he brings in (the whole) for the King, he should be warned in case of minor offence, in case of a major offence should be punished according to the offence.
Arthashastra – 2.9.16

செயற்கை அறிந்தக் கடைத்தும் உலகத்

தியற்கை அறிந்து செயல்                 
Besides being well versed in the methods of action, one should also understand the current ways of the world and act suitably.
Thirukkural – 637
He who makes out as expenditure the revenue (he has raised) consumes the works of men. He should be punished according to the offence in case of loss (or waste) of days of work, the price of goods and the wages of men.
Arthrasasthra  - 2.9.17 & 18

எண்பதத்தான் ஓரா முறைசெய்யா மன்னவன்

தண்பதத்தான் தானே கெடும்                   
The inaccessible, unconsulting and unjust king sinks law in the status and estimation, and perishes by himself.
 Thirukkural - 548
Therefore, he who is appointed by an order to a particular department shall communicate to him (i.e. the king) the real nature of that work and the income and expenditure (both) in detail and in the aggregate.
Arthashastra – 2.9.19

துணைனலம் ஆக்கம் தரூஉம் வினைநலம்

வேண்டிய எல்லாம் தரும்                      
The efficacy of support will yield (only) wealth; but the efficacy of action will yield all that is desired.
Thirukkural – 651
He should establish (each) department with many heads and without permanency (of tenure of office).
Arthashastra – 2.9.31


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